Ch. Sunsetter’s Moving Forward RN PCD CGN
(BISS A/C Ch. Desert’s Electric Slide X Can. Ch. Artizoe Keeley Renaissance of Sunsetter)
Owners: Shawn and Nadeen Bennett
Breeder: Shawn & Nadeen Bennett
OFA Fair Hips, OFA Elbows Clear, BAER Clear
Whelped June 15, 2011
CKC: YL496411
AKC: SR737295/01
Dash is from our Slide and Renee litter – born June 15, 2011. We are so excited about this young guy – he has his daddy’s “Dolly Parton” front which we were looking for in this breeding, and so many outstanding qualities.
Dash started his showing career with a bang with Nadeen on the lead – 9 points in two shows at the tender age of 9 months! Dash finished his Canadian Championship in 3 shows at just over 9 months old! He won Best in Puppy Sweepstakes at the Rainier Sporting Dog Specialty in August 2012 where there were over 1,000 sporting dogs competing!
August 2013 – Dash debuts as a special and wins a Group 2nd his first time out!
July 2014 – NOT just a beautiful show dog, but a smart dog too! Dash completes his Rally Novice and Canine Good Neighbour title – both on the same weekend!
12 weeks oldCan you say FRONT!
12 weeks old
12 weeks oldNot cute at all...
Dash at 6.5 months old.
A nice candid - excuse the lips... he's his "Daddy's boy"
L to R: Nick, Dash & Pippa
Dash finishes as a baby over specials!
Celeste & Dash - August 2013 - Dash is 2 years old here.
Celeste & Dash - August 2013 - Dash is 2 years old here.
Dash debuts as a special - Group 2nd!
Another nice group placement under Michelle Scott
August 2014 - Best of Winners in Minnesota for a 3 point major