Bruiser is now known as “Monty” – Sunsetter’s Western Desert. He is home safe and sound with a breeders dream owner, Grant in Powell River BC.
JR is now known as “Darby” – Sunsetter’s Fly Me to the Moon. Sheena and Dustin from Winnpeg picked up their bundle of joy this past weekend too, and we miss our little dude so much. Well, except for the screaming part.
Formerly known as Repeat, “Dash” is staying here at Sunsetter and will be known as Sunsetter’s Moving Forward.
Last but certainly not least, Cathy is now known as “Pippa” – Sunsetter’s Made of Honour. Shawn’s mom and Celeste are co-owning this pretty girl.
We had a wonderful visit with our great friend Sherri Doratti this past weekend as well, we said welcome to Sassy and had to say goodbye to our best buddy Slide. A great visit and some great successes in the show ring, with Sassy going best of breed at the Manitoba Sporting Dog Specialty over the #1 and #5 English setters in the country, as well as getting chosen group 3rd in an extremely strong sporting group.
Enjoy the pics!
So long for now pal, see you soon.
Sassy going G3 in an extremely strong sporting group
MontySunsetter's Western Desert
DarbySunsetter's Fly Me to the Moon
"Dash"Sunsetter's Moving Forward
"Dash"Sunsetter's Moving Forward
PippaSunsetter's Made of Honour
This is a big mistake... fine, we'll be good, we promise!
The crewJust before Darby was picked up... sorry, Siobhan and Chandler were MIA