The summer of 2013 can be summed up with one word – BUSY! We were at a dog show for five weeks straight starting at the end of July, travelling to Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Minneapolis and Saskatoon. Here is a summary of the results:
- SD at the Westwind Sporting Dog specialty over several BIS winning specials
- SD two out of three shows at the Alberta Kennel Club, again over several BIS winning specials
- BPIB three out of three shows at the Alberta Kennel Club
- Best Puppy in Group at the MCA shows
- SD at the Manitoba Sporting Dog specialty
- Won his class 3 out of 6 times at the Minnepolis shows including the Minnesota English Setter Club
- Best Brace in Group with her lovely sister Lace at the Westwind Sporting Dog specialty
- Best Stud Dog at the Westwind Sporting Dog specialty
- SD at the Alberta Kennel Club
- Best of Breed at the Manitoba Sporting Dog specialty
- Best of Breed and Group 3rd at the MCA shows
- First Award of Merit at the Minnesota English Setter Club specialty
- Best of Breed and Group FIRST at the Saskatoon Kennel Club
- Best of Breed and Group Second at MCA shows – FIRST TIME IN THE RING AS A SPECIAL!
- Reserve Winners Dog at the Minnesota English Setter Club specialty
Another Group First for Nick under Polly Smith
Sunny's NINTH Best Puppy in Group!
Celeste showing one of her many client dogs
Sunny and Nadeen at the AKC Summer Classic in Calgary
Dash and Celeste on the way to a Group 2nd
Dash and Celeste on the way to a Group 2nd
Nick winning 1st AOM at the MNESC Specialty