GCh. Sunsetter’s Desert Sunrise CGC
(Am/Can GCh Legends What Women Want ‘Nick’ X Ch. Artizoe Renaissance of Sunsetter)
Owners: Shawn and Nadeen Bennett & Sherri Doratti
Breeder: Shawn & Nadeen Bennett
OFA Fair hips, elbows Normal, BAER Clear
Whelped September 8, 2012
CKC: ZS474310
AKC: SR780127/02
Sunny is from our Nick & Renee litter. He might be the smartest little dude we have ever had, usually to smart for his own good… he has been opening doors around the house since he was three months old, including one day opening the door to the food room allowing the entire herd in to eat two forty pound bags of dog food!
At Sunny’s first show at the tender age of six months, he was BOW twice for two majors! Sunny has a very promising future.
Sunny finished his Canadian Championship at 8 months old, is a nine time Best Puppy in Group winner, and started defeating Best in Show winning adults consistently at just 8 months old! We are very excited about this youngsters future.
April 2014 – at just 17 months old, Sunny wins his first adult GROUP FIRST and completes the requirements for his Canadian Grand Championship. He is the youngest English Setter to obtain a Grand Championship in Canada!
October 2014 – Will and Sunny debut in USA at the Sioux Falls, South Dakota shows… winning the breed from the classes and onto a GROUP FIRST over some of America’s top sporting dogs! Sunny was just over two years old.
On the move at 7 months
BPIG at 7 months
BPIG #5 and BOB/G4 over specials at 8 months old!
Sunny BPIG under sporting group judge Steve Dainard
Sunny and Nadeen at the AKC Summer Classic in Calgary
Sunny at just 13 months winning BOB and Group 4th
March 2014 - Group 2nd under Tom Alexander
March 2014 - Group 4th under Rick Fehler
April 2014 - GROUP FIRST under Anne Hennigan